Performance Class (ages 6+)
These group classes are for early-stage students who are interested in exploring and developing their skills in harmony, group singing, performance, and vocal technique. These classes do not follow the standard RCM curriculum.
RCM Beginner Classes: Prep Level to L4 (ages 8+)
These group classes are designed for students who wish to start preparing for RCM exams. Classes will place emphasis in the following areas:
Basic scales and arpeggios
Ear training
Breathing and healthy vocal technique
Sight singing
Basic music theory
RCM Intermediate Classes: L4-L8
These group classes are designed for students who wish to continue their training, but are not ready for private instruction. Classes will place emphasis in the following areas:
Intermediate scales and arpeggios
Intermediate vocal technique concepts
Sight Singing
Intermediate music theory
RCM Advanced Classes: L9-L10
Private preparation classes for full-length concert recital. Qualifying students must have completed RCM level 8 or higher
Private Lessons
Private lessons are offered to exceptional students who have met all of the following criteria:
Have reached at least RCM L4
Are currently studying in Middle school and above
Can read sheet music
Have passed an evaluation by the instructor prior to instruction